Anagarika Dhrmapala thero 🙏

 Don David Hewawitharana was born on September 17, 1864. His parents were Don Carolis Hewawitharana Mudali and Mallika Hewawitharana of Hiththetiya, Matara. Don Carolis Hewavitharana is a reputed businessman in Matara.Not only that, these parents were very committed to Buddhist affairs. Don David Hewawitharana's child was inspired by Buddhism from an early age due to his family's love for Buddhism. It can be considered as a blessing considering the social background prevailing in our country at that time.

David Hewavitharana, who loved Buddhism from an early age, was not forgotten by his Buddhist parents to provide him with a Buddhist education. Therefore, on Saturdays I went to the Deepaduttaramaya in Kotahena and developed my knowledge of Buddhism by listening to the discourses of Ven. Wadihasinghe Mohottiwatte Gunananda Thero. At the same time he had the company of Ven. Sri Sumangala Thero of Hikkaduwa.

David Hewawitharana, who completed his schooling at the age of 18, became a government clerk as a young man who had mastered the Sinhala and English languages. After a while, writing to his parents about the need to work for the betterment of the Buddha Sasana, the young David Hewavitharana decided to dedicate his life to the good of the world under the name of Dharmapala.


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